Since the end of 2022 and the beginning of 2023, our beautiful team has been working on several evolutions of our platform. Let me tell you more today!
A refreshed design for the benefit of our users
We also refreshed the design of the platform's analytics page. The aim was to make it even more easily understandable without having a mess of data. It also brings UI more in line with our visual identity.
“Quick Search" option
We have added Ctrl + K quick search to allow users to directly add filters without having to search for the data to be filtered in a visualization.
Reuse connector configurations
Tired of having to fill in configuration details every time you want to connect to your data? Good news! We've made it possible to reuse existing connections in new investigations.
Improved support and history
The "Help and Recommendation History" board has also been improved. We've added a link to our Discord servers where you can ask us questions at any time, for any problem. It's like our after-sales service ;) This section now shows the origin of the recommendation, its start, the flag etc.
There are many new features that allow us to further develop our tool so that it is fully adapted to the work of cybersecurity teams.
But we won't stop there! New optimisations are coming in the next quarter, so stay tuned ! 😊