On November 21, the Guadeloupe region suffered a major cyber attack. According to the region's press release, it was the computer networks that were affected. But, for the moment, no further information has been communicated.
The local collectivity quickly realised it and took quick action. Indeed, it immediately filed a complaint and set up an important crisis unit. The Guadeloupe region first called in a specialist firm to diagnose the situation and limit consequences. In order to protect the data involved, the region announced "to have interrupted all the computer networks”. At the same time, a service continuity plan has been put in place to continue providing the various public services.
In a statement to its employees, the region advises employees to be extra vigilant following the attack.
The regional council of Guadeloupe has joined the list of local and regional authorities targeted by cybercriminals in recent times. A trend confirmed by the latest annual report from ENISA, the European agency dedicated to cybersecurity, on the state of the cyber threat in Europe. Over the period from July 2021 to July 2022, public administrations were the preferred target of cybercriminals, with 24.21% of reported incidents.